Marjay's Reading Blog

Trying ?

I like making lists of books I want to read.  Especially when time-off is upcoming.  Today, I put together the list for June, July and August.  Suffice to say – even if I read the entire time and ignore all of the other responsibilities, I won’t be able to read them all.  But I am not a quitter…so I will try.  

Twenty-seven books approximately spread between the three various ways I get books.  Another fifteen from Net Galley that didn’t make the first list.   Eight or so I will have to buy as I know already our library does not carry those authors.  That leaves about nineteen books to borrow from the library.  Obviously in ten weeks, while working part time, I can not finish everything with crocheting and blogging.  I am going to try. 

Some of the books I am looking forward to read:

Random in Death by JS Robb

The Truth about the Devlins by Lisa Scottoline

The Cliffs by J Coutney Sullivan

The Comfort of Ghosts by Jacqueline Winspear

Shelterwood by Lisa Wingate

Right now, I am reading The Secret Lives of Booksellers and Librarians.   My bestie suggested the book as she found it interesting.  I have to admit, I too am finding it interesting.  It is a fast read with each chapter being short and by another bookseller or librarian and their relationships with books.  I was sorry to see that our local bookstore (Mainstreet Bookends) was not represented.  

Elise sent in a book review Double Tap. The book seems to include a thriller genre with spies and a serial killer.  Elise also sent in an interview with Shelly Shepard Gray, the author of Unforgiven.  The interview does focus on Unforgiven and includes a tease for her next book.  

Hmmm.  Forty-three books (about) to read in seventy days.  I am going to try.