Marjay's Reading Blog

Blog Posts

Saying Goodbye

Sometimes authors stop writing and I am left devastated.  With great writers, I find that I am brought into the stories and drawn into their

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New Blog: Reading

It has been a wonderful week, except for all the appointments and meeting with random people.  The wonderful part is that I had the opportunity

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The Nap.

Sometimes it is all about the nap.  Today that was the key element for me. One of the best parts of vacation is time to

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HELLO Summer

Summer is like a dream in every teacher’s mind.  We know it is there.  We know it is coming.  We just are not really really

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Fabulous Authors

I read this week that fiction books are the largest of all categories for books sold.  About 53% to be exact.  I find that interesting,

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Trying ?

I like making lists of books I want to read.  Especially when time-off is upcoming.  Today, I put together the list for June, July and

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