Marjay's Reading Blog

The Nap.

Sometimes it is all about the nap.  Today that was the key element for me. One of the best parts of vacation is time to take an actual nap.  So I think you can draw the conclusion that I am on vacation.  For the next two weeks, I have time for other things.  What are they?  I think sleeping and naps play an important part.  Reading and crocheting?  Baseball games?  I am sure I will find plenty to do!

Meanwhile, my stack of “to-read” books is growing exponentially.  I look forward to attacking it, knowing if I am lucky, I will be able to cut the list down.  I also have to reup my membership at a nearby library.  When I taught in that town, I could use the library for free.  Now I have to pay for the privilege, something I do happily as I love the library.   

Elise has been busy this week.  She has sent in a book review with Elizabeth Goddard and her newest book, Missing in the Night.  This is the third book in her Alaska series, where the main character searches for a missing manuscript of a Jack London book (totally fictional).  It is set in Alaska and there are several challenges to overcome along with murder and mayhem.  

The interview this week is with Suzanne Woods Fisher.  The book is the third book in the series, Cape Cod Ice Cream called Love on a Whim.  The interview allows the reader to understand the scope of the series.  The main character is Brynn, where the past books were about Dawn and Callie. 

Here it is still thundering and lightening, so I am cutting this short, in case we lose electricity.  I hope everyone has a good week with time to sit and read!  Enjoy.