The Diamond’s Absolutely Delicious Downfall by Eva Devon

The Diamond’s Absolutely Delicious Downfall by Eva Devon is the second book about the Briarwoods.  The Briarwoods are a family that are originals.  Their parents were a duke and an actress, which was not done.  The children while participating in the season all had different ways to stand out. Lady Juliet (twin to Hermia) was a diamond.  She was beautiful, always knew the right things to say or do, and danced beautifully.  She had long determined that she wanted to marry a duke!  Nothing less would do.  Marrying a duke would make her family less dramatic.

Luckily for her she met Tobias, an American.  He was a business owner who had come to Britain with no intention of meeting and marrying anyone! He met Juliet sneaking in to meet her aunt at the theater.  Tobias mistook her to be a lowly actress and kissed her.  Surprised, the next night they met at a ball.  Then, he moves into Juliet’s family’s home to help make various pamphlets and sheets for her brother. 

Would a mere mister do?  Not a duke, earl, or even a viscount, Juliet is falling for an American commoner. The Diamond’s Absolutely Delicious Downfall by Eva Devon was a good read.