The Business Trip by Jessie Garcia adds new meaning to a business trip. Imagine being sent to a conference by your boss. Then imagine all the different things that can happen on the trip.. Then imagine the impossible and even then this book will knock your socks off with the twists and turns.
Stephanie is heading to Dan Diego for a conference for TV producers. She meets Jasmine on the plane. Jasmine is leaving an abusive relationship and is determined to live another life without ever falling into the trap again of being at the mercy of a man. They both depart the plane and head into their lives, only suddenly mysterious messages start showing up to their friends and no one is sure where they are. The messages mention a mysterious man named Trent McCarthy and then the reader meets the fellow and the twists start happening.
This book falls under the Oh My… Then what happened… I can’t stop reading… But you can’t stop reading, because….
The Business Trip by Jessie Garcia is a thriller like no other I remember. I was quite frankly unable to imagine all that happened or was going to happen… What a great read!!!