Marjay's Reading Blog

Readers Gonna Read

Another week of marvelous time to read.  Although some reading has needed to take the back seat to the Olympics and the Sox, after all there are priorities involved.  (Did I mention the Sox are playing the Yankees?) Again I made a point of reading a couple of new authors and some old favorites.  I am not obsessive about reading new authors, but I never know when I am going to find a new favorite author.  I am so reticent about trying new things, luckily I am not as picky about new authors.  

Two new authors who write thrillers were Marc Cameron and Kimberly McCreight.  Both are authors I would read again. 

Bad River by Marc Cameron was part of a series, although I read it as a stand alone.  The two main characters were interesting and even the setting (Alaska) played as a character in this novel. The storylines were interesting especially as they all started to play into each other.  The story is more thriller than police procedural.  Between the polar bears, bush planes, fart noises and doors covered with nails and as a reader you do not know what to expect next.  

Kimberly McCreight’s book is called Like Mother, Like Daughter.  This novel is a thriller from the beginning scenes until the end.  Not everything is like it seems, although in this novel, most things are not what they seem.  Between the two points of view – the daughter and the mother and between the two different times – one after the event and one leading up to the event, things are slowly revealed.  The twists and turns, the past and the present, the mother and the daughter all lend their characteristics to the end with a WOW.  

The next three authors are all old favorites for me.  They are authors that I tend to look for and read their novels soon after they are published.   

Maisey Yates newest book is part of the Four Corners Ranch series.  The Hometown Legend is a romance story with a wounded warrior, Gideon Payne returning to his small town and Rory Sullivan thinking she needs to leave her small two and move to a city.  The only place both Gideon and Rory need is to find each other and speak from the heart.  

Viscount in Love by Eloise James is a new historical romantic series starting with this book.  We are brought into the glittering tonne of the rich and titled.  One of the main characters is a viscount who is suddenly guardian of a set of twins who desperately need a family.  The least likely candidate for the viscount’s wife is the totally wrong sister who is thought of as unintelligent and too frivolous.  Wrong is just not incorrect.  Wrong might be just right! 

Eva Devon is a prolific writer of shorter novels and novellas.  She often follows families or groups of connected people as they each find their happily ever after.  The Duke’s Absolutely Mad Marriage is a book in the Notorious Briarwood’s series.  The characters are unique and usually a bit quirky.  That is a key characteristic of her novels and things go fast!

Elise was extremely busy reading this week too.  She has sent us in TWO interviews with Brian Andrews and Jeff Wilson.  One interview is based on the first seven books in the Tier One series and the second interview is focused totally on the eighth book called Ember. If that was not difficult enough, she also sent in a review of Trouble in Queenstown by Delia Pitts.  

Remember to take time to read!