Marjay's Reading Blog

Olympics and Reading

It is an interesting week, as will be next week.  The Olympics are on.  Gosh, I love the Olympics!

I love the pageantry, the comradery, and the every present hope.  I love the parade of Nations with all promises of the future.  I love the wonkiness of some of the different athletic events (trampoline, synchronized diving, breaking).  Luckily I have a couple of friends that love to watch them as well, so we can speak about the gymnastics and the trampoline or water polo. (I love how the participants hold up their hands like I’m not doing anything when under the water they are wrestling each other for position.)   I am not an athlete, but that doesn’t mean I can’t embrace the work that each athlete does.  I can understand the dedication and commitment.  

I should have probably read a book about the Olympics or about a famous Olympian, but I didn’t.   I read a terrific novel by Chris Bohjalian called The Princess of Las Vegas. It is a twisted thriller that included a Diana impersonator, cryptocurrency, family drama and an organized crime syndicate.  All this plus a second rate casino!  The characters were interesting and multifaceted, clearly highlighting that most characters have good and bad qualities, but some can be pulled into the wrong direction.  Quite frankly, the book was a good read.  I felt that Chris Bohjalian’s book was not run of the mill, but more original.  

The two other books were The Group Trip and What the Lady Wants.  Both were written by authors I have not read before, I was pleased by both of them!  The Group Trip was like a modern Friends with interesting characters.  What the Lady Wants was like a more traditional historical romance.  

Elise sent in a wonderful interview with Mary Alford and a guest review by Sara Driscoll.  Please enjoy both!  

Take the time to read!