Marjay's Reading Blog

New Blog: My Dad and Memorial Day

Memorial Day Weekend, in my youth, consisted of a solemn parade through town.  The parade always consisted of the VFW, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, the High School Band and some of the head people in town.  When we got to the river, my Aunt Shirley always had the honor, being a gold star mother of dropping a bouquet of lilacs into the river.  Then we walked on somber and with drum beats only to the cemetery. I just remember the beats of the drums leading us like a dirge.  

It is not the parade I remember most.  It was Uncle Don and Dad planting the gardens.  Dad had a huge garden beside the barn and they would spend the afternoon planting.  Some place there is a picture of them sitting in the shade of the barn covered in sweat and dirt from the garden. For Dad, I think it was his way of honoring the dead.  Or maybe it was honoring the living. 

For some reason I miss my Dad on Memorial Day.  He was in WWII and was stationed on the Burma China Loop.  I think, He was on a plane that flew there.  I know he was in India/Burma with the rice patties.  I know he was in China at some point, because he spoke about rickshaw drivers and chinese food.  He told us no stories about his time and Dad liked to tell stories. (Although at times, it was like a lecture series.) He was a good man who loved his family and worked hard.  

This week, I read two thrillers.  I can with all honesty tell you that I will never ever need to visit an atoll.  Lisa Gardner’s newest book is set on an atoll. (I know about them because I had a friend stationed on one for a while.)  There are a series of incidents and then murder – on an atoll – where it is hard to reach.  Seriously creepy.  Christina Dodd’s newest book is set on the coast of Oregon – yes even on an island for a while.  This novel had gangsters and seriously creepy people.  Both were quite good.

Elise sent in an interview with Simon Read.  He wrote a book based on the movie, The Human Game.  I think you will find it quite interesting.  There is also a new guest book review, Cold to the Touch by Kerri Hakoda.  

May you find time to read this week and time to remember.