Marjay's Reading Blog

Lenny Marks Gets Away With Murder by Kerryn Mayne

Lenny Marks lives a simplistic life.  She goes to work via her bike.  Buys her groceries at McKnights on her way home.  She lives in a house that looks like it belongs in Hobbiton.  Lenny makes the same food each week and lives alone quietly 

Until everything changes by the receipt of a letter from the parole board.  Now she has stolen a dog, gone to trivia night at a bar, and participated in a celebration of the winter solstice.  Slowly, Lenny is beginning to take chances with life.  Slowly, she is trying to make friends.  Slowly, she is doing new things.  

The book was an unexpected read for me.  I chose it on a whim and am ever so glad.  I have enjoyed reading it. I enjoyed how Lenny began to open up and began to work through life and all the past torment.  I enjoyed how the story unfolded with various pieces of information dropping in.  Lenny’s differences made her ability to see life in black and white only added to the drama of the story.  

Lenny Marks Gets Away With Murder by Kerryn Mayne is a good read.