Marjay's Reading Blog

Kodiak Lumberjack by Katy Regnery

Katy Regnery has a new book just out!  It is called Kodiak Lumberjack and is part of the Odds Are Good Standalone Romance Series.  Katy has been a favorite author of mine for a while.  I love how she makes her characters interesting and realistic. (At least as much as you can in a novel.) I have also had the opportunity to meet her, which was also cool.

Soren was an accountant in Kodiak, Alaska.  He was the quiet unassuming brother.  He went to college, came home and helped run his family’s business.  He was not his brother and was often overlooked and treated differently than his brother.  

Nola was an influencer and has a huge following.  However, she also pretty much hides out in her apartment and only really hangs out with her family.  When she was young, an accident damaged her face.  Scars that she can see and her family can see.  Her overprotective family doesn’t see any other way, but to help her hide.  

Nola has answered a wanted ad about finding a future husband, however Soren answered instead of his brother.  Luckily he confessed pretty quickly and Nola spoke about her scars. To me, the best part was reading about their first weekend together.  My second favorite part was when Nola met Soren’s family.  

Soren and Nola were quality people that you hope and root for every step of the novel. Two people who were willing to take a jump into the unknown and deserve every moment of happiness!  Katy Regnery has written another WOW story!  Kodiak Lumberjack was a great read.