Marjay's Reading Blog

HELLO Summer

Summer is like a dream in every teacher’s mind.  We know it is there.  We know it is coming.  We just are not really really sure it is EVER going to show up.  Oh and for the record – rarely do teachers really have the summer off.  

This is the time where we participate and collect credit hours to maintain our credentials, teach summer school, and plan for the next year.  We have to pack our classrooms and in August unpack them.  We need to take down everything from the walls and start to plan next year’s “vibe” with new posters and other things.  This is when we read books to help us grow or help the children grow.  In my school, we also spend the first week after school closes for staff development and the week before school begins for more staff development. This does not count the number of nights and weekends we spend after school completing work including correcting and planning.

For me, this week includes finishing my grades and comments and starting to plan for our new year. The students who come to us often come with an alphabet soup of initials they are diagnosed with and they need us to be knowledgeable in all those.  That is part of this week – learning and planning for them.

The good part is I can leave at the end of the day.  I will not have to bring work home.  I can sleep until the last minute and pop in on time.  I will have a few meetings and will be able to plan for those.  

Why I look forward to vacations.  According to research teachers make over 1500 decisions a day and can answer as many as 4000 questions a day.  Many of the questions are the same ones asked again and again. Of course with the population I deal with, many do not ask questions or share what is wrong – so you spend your time guessing.  During the summer season I can take care of myself and not deal with as many questions and fewer decisions.  That is what vacation means to me.  Well that sand in my toes and a book in my hands…  SIGH

Elise is on vacation already.  She sent in a thriller of a review for Shadow Heart.  She interviewed Kate Pearce, who is a prolific writer ( and one I happen to really enjoy!). Kate’s last series is the Three Cowboy Series, which features three cowboys who are retired marines and working together on a ranch.  

Happy Father’s Day to my Dad. I still miss you after all these years.  Please take the time to read!