Marjay's Reading Blog

All Our Tomorrows by Catherine Bybee

Catherine Bybee’s books are always on my to-read list.  Her novels always include people who have decisions to make and are often in conflict over those decisions.  In this case we have poor girl/rich guy, family secrets, corporate shenanigans and genuine creepy shareholders and ex wife.  Chase and Alex didn’t expect anything from their ultra rich dad and they certainly didn’t expect to find out they have a half brother somewhere.  They are on a race to find the brother and somehow keep the company going without anyone figuring out there is a missing sibling.  They need help.

Piper was fired from her job as Mr. Stone’s executive secretary based on made up charges.  Just when she is beginning to get desperate for a new job, Chase Stone shows up and begs her to come back to work.  He knows that they need someone who gets what is happening and how to help them learn quickly.  

Sparks happen between Chase and Piper, as she teaches the siblings how the company works and where all the information is.  She is reluctant to start a relationship with Chase.  Meanwhile, the vultures start circling as Chase and Alex search for their missing sibling and begin their new journey as heirs to their father’s riches.

Tremendous characters.  Loved the scene when Chase realized there was a plane that they owned.  Loved Piper’s dog.  Great story line and a fun read!  I can’t wait for the next book in the series!  All Our Tomorrows by Catherine Bybee is a really good read.