Marjay's Reading Blog

A Rogue in Winter by Grace Burrowes

A Rogue in Winter by Grace Burrowes is a novella that is in the series called Rogues to Riches. The book is labeled as 6.5, but I feel it could be read last in the series without a problem. The series focuses on the Wentworth family and how they each found their mates.  The novels can be read as stand alone novels without a problem. 

Miss Joy Danforth is on her way to spend a joyous winter celebration with her soon to be betrothed.  A man who her family has chosen and will get them out of the mess they have made of their lives.  She is being accompanied by her brother, who is rather useless.  

Vicar Pietr Sorenson is the village vicar on the edge of the moors.  His life is quiet and spent in service to the town and the people of the town.  He is on hand when the Danforths show up in town lost and cold.  He takes them in and while they are there, he realizes that Joy brings him joy.

The novella is short, but no less poignant and sweet.  I enjoyed the characters!  I loved Pietr and Joy together.  This might be a favorite book of Grace Burrowes for me.  A Rogue in Winter by Grace Burrowes is a wonderful short holiday read.